
How To Change Axis Titles In Excel

Today, we're gonna get through how to add axis titles in Excel. And not simply that – you'll see how to format axis titles or, if needed, remove them from a graph.

Let's requite information technology a go, then!

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In previous tutorials, you could learn how to create dissimilar types of graphs.

Today, we'll behave on improving this line graph and we'll have a look at how to add axis titles in the graph surface area.

How to Display Vertical And Horizontal Axis Titles

First thing if you lot desire to display the centrality titles on a graph is to click anywhere inside the graph expanse. Then click on the greenish plus sign located on the right-hand side of the graph. A listing of chart elements rolls out.

How to Add Axis Titles in Excel - How to name graph in Excel

If y'all select the selection 'Axis Titles', both horizontal and vertical axis titles appear in the graph area.

How to Add Axis Titles in Excel - horizontal and vertical axis in Excel

In case you desire to display the title of only one of the axes, click on this blackness pointer here, right next to the pick Axis Titles, and you can choose which axis championship volition be displayed and which one won't.

How to Add Axis Titles in Excel - How to name vertical axis in Excel

We're gonna move on now and attempt out some more tricks.

To alter the bodily centrality title text, merely click on it, and yous'll exist able to type in anything you need. We're gonna proper name our horizontal centrality 'Calendar month' and the vertical one 'Sales'.

How to Add Axis Titles in Excel - How to rename axis title in Excel

Only that'due south non all!

How to Format Axis Title in Excel

To format an axis title, click on information technology with the correct mouse button, and use the quick formatting options panel to change for case, the background colour.

How to Add Axis Titles in Excel - How to change background colour of the axis title in Excel

How to Change The Font Size of Axis Titles

You can also change the font size or the font itself if you don't like the default one. Double-click on the text yous want to adjust and choice the font size or blazon you lot demand.

How to Add Axis Titles in Excel - How to change font size of axis

How to Remove Axis Titles From a Graph

Last but not least, if you lot need to remove axis titles from a graph, click on it, then click on the green plus sign in the upper right-manus corner and only unselect 'Axis Titles'.

How to Add Axis Titles in Excel - How to remove axis titles from graph in Excel

Well done!

How to Add Axis Titles in Excel - adding of axis titles in Excel

Don't miss out a cracking opportunity to learn:

  • How to Add a Trendline in Excel
  • Effort out Information Bars in Excel for clear graphical data representation
  • How to Visualize Data in Excel
  • How to Brand a Pie Nautical chart in Excel
  • How to Brand a Bar Graph in Excel
  • How to Make a Line Graph in Excel

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Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next tutorial!


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